Month: March 2012

The Germhacht Episode is available in paperback!

The Germhacht Episode is available in paperback!

You can now visit the Shop, or click the link in the right sidebar to purchase a paperback copy of The Germhacht Episode! Yay.
All my kickstarter backers should have their rewards already delivered. If this is not the case with anyone, please let me know right away.
I hope to have an e-book version available online soon as well.

Chapter Twenty-Four — Battle At Sea

Chapter Twenty-Four — Battle At Sea

Jon had wanted to see Tuwa again, but not under these circumstances. All the captives had been brought up on deck, awaiting separation and the ships that would take them to their new destinations. There was still no sign of Tam, of any rescue. Jon shivered in the warm breeze. He could feel that something was coming, but not what or from where, if it was a good thing or a terrible one. The luminous island off the starboard deck wasn’t softly glowing as before, but burning from the inside, and not with any visible kind of fire.

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