Author: Jessica

A Shandorian Journey, Part Nine

A Shandorian Journey, Part Nine

Hashta bowed to the Queen and the Amryn, then threw back his head and looked around. His eye fell scathingly on Hural, but he ignored him for the moment. “I am Hashta dar Harrak dar Ghaer,” he said, addressing the chieftains in their circle. “Most of you know me from the time I have spent walking the Land at the Amryn’s side.”
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A Shandorian Journey, Part Eight

A Shandorian Journey, Part Eight

“I think you were perfectly sensible,” Anna said. She sat cross-legged beside Tam on thick blankets. A fire burned merrily at the center of the chieftain’s tent, and emblems of the sixty clans decorated the perimeter. None of the chieftains were here yet for the afternoon’s ceremony, so Tam didn’t think anyone would mind if he had a quiet chat with Anna by the fire. He’d told her about the whole mess with Hashta. “And I’m sure the Queen and the Amryn think so, too,” she said. “You’ve told the Queen everything, haven’t you?”
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A Shandorian Journey, Part Seven

A Shandorian Journey, Part Seven

The moon must have risen while he was talking to the Queen, because its light slipped through the tent’s door-flap, picking out the sleepers around him in a pale silver glow. It also glinted on a figure that hadn’t been there before, a figure crouched at the foot of his bedroll, staring straight at him, perfectly still.
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A Shandorian Journey, Part Six

A Shandorian Journey, Part Six

In the tent he shared with the Healer and the three male warriors, Tam sat up in the dark, with his bedroll tugged over his legs for warmth. If he tried to do his listening exercises while lying down he always just fell asleep. He didn’t want to disturb anyone, though, so he blew out the lamp.
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A Shandorian Journey, Part Five

A Shandorian Journey, Part Five

The Healer nodded, and motioned to Ziller to lead on. The Germhacht man frowned, but he showed them to the main mine building and began, with lots of long words that Tam didn’t understand, to explain about the machinery than raised and lowered the metal cage and about how the miners got the ore with different tools and sometimes even with explosives.

“That doesn’t seem right,” Tam whispered to Tava, who was standing beside him. “Can’t they just mine with their hands like ordinary folk?”
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A Shandorian Journey, Part Four

A Shandorian Journey, Part Four

What was a foreigner doing at Color Finders? Tam stepped over to have a closer look. The man had light hair, like Tam, a square face, and red cheeks. He was sitting up in bed reading a book, and the title was all in words Tam couldn’t read. As Tam approached, the man looked up at him.

“Excuse me, sir,” Tam said, “I can’t help but notice that you’re not from the clan.”
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A Shandorian Journey, Part Two

A Shandorian Journey, Part Two

When they started walking again, the Healer hung back from the others a bit and motioned Tam to join him. “I hope you won’t judge Palma’s sharp-edged manner too harshly,” the Healer said, quietly, just for Tam’s ears. “She doesn’t always mean things the way they sound.”

Tam nodded. “It’s because she’s clever, I reckon.”

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A Shandorian Journey, Part One

A Shandorian Journey, Part One

Tam liked walking. Ever since he and Jon had started spending their summers with the Blackfeathers they’d ridden on all sorts of contraptions from trains to carriages, pirate ships to outriggers. Travelling like that could be exciting, but when it came down to it Tam preferred a good, sensible horse or, better yet, his own two feet.

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Chapter Four–Pauper’s Field

Chapter Four–Pauper’s Field

Kara watched from the rooftop across the street as Djaren, Eljiah, and Tallis knocked at the door of the somber little building on Stableway that doubled as an undertaker’s shop and the headquarters of the Mourners. This seemed a sensible enough combination to Kara—if one had to deal with dead bodies, why not make money off them twice over, once for the burying and once for the official weeping and parading about in black? Continue reading “Chapter Four–Pauper’s Field”

Theme: Overlay by Kaira