Author: worldofshandor

A bunch of news!

A bunch of news!

Hello everyone! I’ve been posting creative work on a new site! If you want to keep up with new updates, the quickest way is over on my Patreon at The Five Wits Press! There’s an excerpt on Patreon from the restart of The Levour Spectacle, as well as teas and updates on other stories I’m working on.
In addition, the first Blackfeather book is now serialized on The Five Wits Press and its Wattpad account, as well as here! The Blackfeather Tea from the last Kickstarter is now available for purchase, in case you missed out on it or ran out of tea from the Kickstarter.
I’ve got a lot of plans upcoming about this website, so keep an eye open for exciting changes soon!

The Tembelaka Voyage Now Available as an Ebook!

The Tembelaka Voyage Now Available as an Ebook!

tembelaka-kindle-coverThe Tembelaka Voyage has been edited and the final version is now available to read here on the website!

It’s also available as an ebook! You can find it here on Amazon. (If you don’t have a Kindle but do have a smartphone, there’s an app you can download to let you read ebooks.)

We’re at GenCon right now and we hope to see you there! We’re at booth #1543 with the books and our wigs.

Still Alive, with too many conventions

Still Alive, with too many conventions

So, I did not at all account for not having a buffer during convention season. Which was really thick headed of me. I am still alive and writing, though the first at too fast a pace and the second at too slow of one.

That said, thank you to the new readers from Tokyo in Tulsa! I will be at Otakon next weekend, with books and prints, and GenCon the weekend after. After that ( and a good lie down) I will be back and trying hard to get you the new chapters you’ve been waiting on.

The Levour Exhibition Chapter Four,–Storytellers and Inventors, continued

The Levour Exhibition Chapter Four,–Storytellers and Inventors, continued

The café was beautiful, all marble topped tables with wrought iron legs, and high ceilings decorated with pressed tin. It marked the spot where the fairgrounds ended and the capitol city’s shops, eateries, and expensive apartments began. People walking by on the street were exceptionally well-dressed, and a quarter of the ladies had tiny dogs much smaller than their impressive hats. Continue reading “The Levour Exhibition Chapter Four,–Storytellers and Inventors, continued”

The Levour Exhibition Chapter Four,–Storytellers and Inventors

The Levour Exhibition Chapter Four,–Storytellers and Inventors

“Let’s see the world, shall we?” Teresthan said. Anna took his arm, somewhat against her better judgment, and let him pull her along through the other side of the site, where wildflowers clung stubbornly to some lovely rocks and waterfalls dashed in torrents under happily finished little bridges, some of wood and some of stone. Anna recognized decorative elements from some of her earlier drawings for railings and pillars. Teresthan’s grin brightened whenever she noted something with approval. Continue reading “The Levour Exhibition Chapter Four,–Storytellers and Inventors”

Late chapter this week, and Convention Schedule!

Late chapter this week, and Convention Schedule!

This week’s chapter is late and getting later. Sorry!

Here is a schedule of upcoming conventions and shows where Ruth will be with paperbacks and prints:

Anime Central, Rosemont IL May 17-19

Anime Boston, Boston MA May 24-26

Anime Next, Somerset NJ June 7-9

Anime Expo, Los Angeles, CA July 4-7

Ruth (and for many of these Jessica as well) can be found at The Five Wits booth.

Unfortunately we can’t make it to Balticon this year because of prior commitments. We’re very sorry about that, as its one of our favorites of the year.

The busy upcoming convention schedule will also probably mean a hiatus on chapters coming up as well, though we’ll try and get as much done and posted as possible before that happens.

The Levour Exhibition Chapter Two–Tasks of Duty, continued

The Levour Exhibition Chapter Two–Tasks of Duty, continued

Anna was, by now, very familiar with Sherard station. No trains ran to Shandor, so the nearest place to board was the station just over the eastern passes. Sherard station nestled in a pine-forested valley, in a town of almost Shandorian looking half-timbered houses. Anna knew the workers’ foreman, and he greeted her by name as she alighted from the first of a train of wagons. Continue reading “The Levour Exhibition Chapter Two–Tasks of Duty, continued”

The Levour Exhibition, Chapter One–Plans

The Levour Exhibition, Chapter One–Plans

To Mistress Anna Darvin,

I have had the pleasure of seeing your sketches for the proposed Shandorian pavilion at the Nations’ Exhibition in Levour, and must confess myself impressed by a number of points in your design. Sadly, Master Marwright, the head of the planning committee, wants a new overhaul of your plans based on the last list of revisions requested by the meeting of yesterday’s committee. Please find those notes enclosed. Might I also assist in suggesting a few changes to your proposal that may better suit the preferences of the committee?

Yours, in as much as you’ll bear me,

Teresthan Continue reading “The Levour Exhibition, Chapter One–Plans”

Theme: Overlay by Kaira