Tag: news

The Tembelaka Voyage Now Available as an Ebook!

The Tembelaka Voyage Now Available as an Ebook!

tembelaka-kindle-coverThe Tembelaka Voyage has been edited and the final version is now available to read here on the website!

It’s also available as an ebook! You can find it here on Amazon. (If you don’t have a Kindle but do have a smartphone, there’s an app you can download to let you read ebooks.)

We’re at GenCon right now and we hope to see you there! We’re at booth #1543 with the books and our wigs.

Ebooks and announcements!

Ebooks and announcements!

Book two, The Germhacht Episode, is now available in ebook form! You can find it here on Amazon. (If you don’t have a Kindle but do have a smartphone, there’s an app you can download to let you read ebooks.)

Jess and I have been working on revisions for The Tembalaka Voyage. Right now it looks like The Tembelaka Voyage will be out as an ebook, premiering at Gen Con this august, and hopefully in print a month or two after. We’re looking at a potential Kickstarter that will include printed copies of The Tembelaka Voyage, The Cambriol Riddle, and A Shandorian Journey. More on that as it gets closer.

The Levour Spectacle, as you’ve noticed, has been on an epic hiatus while I retool my whole plot outline. I think this one will be best written in full before posting.

Thank you all for your patience and support. Thank you to everyone who visited at Balticon, and everyone who’s stuck with me this long!

You can also check on Shandor’s tumblr or my twitter for updates as they happen.



Happy Tuesday everybody!

Here’s what’s coming up in the next few weeks!

The as-yet untitled World’s Fair book will begin posting, as well as belated illustrations for The Tembelaka Voyage, an updated World map, and some other extras, like additions to the Glossary.

For this week, here’s a portrait of Kara, drawn by the amazing Asher Dumonchelle. I cannot recommend enough how worth commissioning this artist is.

Kara by Asher Dumonchelle



I’m going to be a guest at Balticon this coming weekend, just outside Baltimore MD. I’ll be on a handful of panels, running two art workshops, and generally available to talk to at my Artist’s Alley table downstairs. Feel free to stop by and say hi! I’ll have books and prints for sale, and I always love to meet people. Next Tuesday’s update may be a bit late, with my plane coming in very late on Monday, but for anybody who comes to my reading at Balticon, I may have a bit of a preview for Book 4.

Good News and Blegh News

Good News and Blegh News

The Germhacht episode is now fully edited and good to go to the layout guy. Two weeks after that it should head to the printers! Thank you so so much to everyone who backed the project! I hope to get rewards in the works as fast as I can.

The Blegh news is that I came down really sick upon returning from Youmacon and instead of getting better over the last few days, I’ve gotten worse. I am a bleary cold-medicated mess incapable of driving, picking out groceries or typing sentences out correctly without a lot of work.  There will not be a chapter installment tomorrow, because in my state, what I am producing could make you feel as disoriented and confused as I am.

I wish I had the Blackfeather family disease resistance about now. Blurgh.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira