Category: The Blackfeather Chronicles

The Blackfeather Chronicles are set in the equivalent of the Victorian era of Shandor, and tell the adventures of the Blackfeathers, an unusual family of archeologists, and their friends. The rich history of the world has resulted in some relics of the past being considerably less dead than others. These stories are published and archived on this website and update weekly. Paperback and ebook versions are or will be available of each in time.

Chapter Twenty-Five — Farewell to the Islands

Chapter Twenty-Five — Farewell to the Islands

Djaren lifted his head from sheaves of notes and rolled plans to look at the new Trimela, just beginning again. The town was gone, with only some charred rubble to show there had once been buildings. The whole lower part, near the harbor, had been submerged by a huge wave on the night of the eruption. The sea had rushed in and back out again, sweeping the land with silvered bubbles, which had changed all they had touched. Instead of mud, char, and devastation, they had left new growth, flowers, young saplings, and an inlet.

Continue reading “Chapter Twenty-Five — Farewell to the Islands”

Chapter Twenty-Four — Battle At Sea

Chapter Twenty-Four — Battle At Sea

Jon had wanted to see Tuwa again, but not under these circumstances. All the captives had been brought up on deck, awaiting separation and the ships that would take them to their new destinations. There was still no sign of Tam, of any rescue. Jon shivered in the warm breeze. He could feel that something was coming, but not what or from where, if it was a good thing or a terrible one. The luminous island off the starboard deck wasn’t softly glowing as before, but burning from the inside, and not with any visible kind of fire.

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Chapter Twenty-Three — Captured By Pirates

Chapter Twenty-Three — Captured By Pirates

Jon kept close to Temanava as long as he could. First they were stuffed in a closed wagon, crowded in with eight other sullen girls. The wagon rolled down the hill from the school and round the harbor, and then they were made to walk down a rough path to where several small boats waited.

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Chapter Twenty-Two — Trimela Ablaze

Chapter Twenty-Two — Trimela Ablaze

Temanava and the sailors decided on an inlet to hide their new pirate ship in, and anchored there to wait out the few remaining hours of night. They were just done deciding on watches when Tam smacked his head with his palm. “Oh! The Queen! I was supposed to—what time is it now in Shandor?”

Continue reading “Chapter Twenty-Two — Trimela Ablaze”

Chapter Twenty-One — The Siege and Its Disasters

Chapter Twenty-One — The Siege and Its Disasters

Jon watched the others climb up the ropes to the pirate ship. He watched Tam particularly, and so he saw at once when Tam lurched, with an exclamation, and began to slide back down. Jon helped him catch his balance as he landed back in the boat with rope-burned hands.

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Chapter Twenty — What Happened During The Storm

Chapter Twenty — What Happened During The Storm

The sky was still turbulent with clouds as the handful of little boats sped silently over dark water. Jon peered ahead, wishing he could see with Tam or Temanava’s extra sight. The Professor was still out there, somewhere, always ahead of them.

Continue reading “Chapter Twenty — What Happened During The Storm”

Seven Days

Seven Days

I have just seven days left to raise what I need to print Book Two, The Germhacht Episode, in paperback, and right now we’re still a long way from our goal. If you love last minute rescues and pulse pounding finales, this is looking to be one.  If you like the stories and have even $5 and an Amazon account (free to get one!) please consider donating. There are lots of nifty extras. Also, I posted the Blooper Reel from the kickstarter video shoot under backer updates, so go check that out! Here’s the Kickstater page.  The way kickstarter works is, if the funding goal is not met, no payments go through. It’s an all or nothing proposal, and all the money, if raised will be used to cover the kickstarter  and amazon fees (approx. 10% of the funding total) and the cost of the print run (the other 90%).

To make things more fun, I’m also posting extras and taking questions about characters, stories and process over on my tumblr page for the whole week.

I want to keep the stories coming, and keep them free. Now is a great time to help me make that possible, and also the only way yet to get your hands on a paperback of The Germhacht Episode.

Please consider becoming a backer!

Chapter Nineteen — Princes, Kings, and Fortifications

Chapter Nineteen — Princes, Kings, and Fortifications

“We’re not leaving,” Djaren told Kara, turning to face her. She opened her mouth to argue, but then closed it again. “Not yet. Every panicked thief will be stealing boats and filling them with whatever they can loot. They’ll be prey to any group of plunderers who sees them fleeing. It’s too visible. And where would we go? We don’t want to get stranded in open ocean or shot by poachers before Mother and Father can find us.”

Continue reading “Chapter Nineteen — Princes, Kings, and Fortifications”

Chapter Eighteen — Corta

Chapter Eighteen — Corta

The girls who met Jon and the Professor at the rendezvous point looked upset, though not about the eight small children and the unconscious girl their guests had brought home. They ushered everyone down the rope ladder, making a harness for the girl and the smallest two boys just as they did for food baskets, without a word.

Continue reading “Chapter Eighteen — Corta”

Kickstarter and New York Comic Con!

Kickstarter and New York Comic Con!

The kickstarter to print The Germhacht Episode is live!   Click to make it happen!

Even really tiny donations will make a print run possible.  There are all sorts of nifty rewards up there, so please check it out.

We made the video ourselves this afternoon, and I think I may post the outtakes close to the end of the 30 day kickstarter campaign. There was a lot more in outtakes than in useable content.

I’ll be at New York Comic Con, in the Artist’s Alley this weekend, in booth 06. Please do stop by and say hello! I’d love to meet more of you.