Category: News



Happy Tuesday everybody!

Here’s what’s coming up in the next few weeks!

The as-yet untitled World’s Fair book will begin posting, as well as belated illustrations for The Tembelaka Voyage, an updated World map, and some other extras, like additions to the Glossary.

For this week, here’s a portrait of Kara, drawn by the amazing Asher Dumonchelle. I cannot recommend enough how worth commissioning this artist is.

Kara by Asher Dumonchelle

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

We’re on a week break from the story, but Jessica will have the next installment ready next week. Enjoy your holidays, and look forward to more chapters and more stories in the new year.  If I can get any good drawing done I’ll try to post some things before then.

Happy Holidays!  Everyone get some resting and relaxing in if you can. It’s a good season for warm blankets and good books. Also for seeing The Hobbit for a third or fourth time, . . .

A new story starts right now!

A new story starts right now!

So there’s the end to The Cambriol Riddle, which was supposed to be a short story between two books. Hmm.

Jessica will be posting part 1 of something much more short-story-like tonight.  She’ll start us off back in Shandor with Tam.  If you’ve been reading along since the Tembelaka Voyage, you’ll remember that something’s up with him.

So without further interruption, here’s the new story.

New York Comic Con

New York Comic Con

Hello all!  We interrupt your regularly scheduled chapters to invite you to come by and see Ruth at New York Comic Con in booth 3074, with The Five Wits and Cactus Mafia.

No chapter this week and probably next on account of a 3 day drive and a 4 day con followed by a 3 day drive.  Also adventure. There will be lots of adventure.



Gencon was awesome and amazing and full of good things and great people and I am now totally exhausted. I’ll see how fast I can pull that back together and get you the next chapter half, and also some things that people have requested, like maps! I hesitate to put a deadline on that, as when I do, they explode. I will certainly have something up by next tuesday, and I hope very much to have something up during this week as well.

Thank you so much to everyone who I got to see at Gencon! That was crazy and awesome.

Convention time again

Convention time again

I’m at Tokyo in Tulsa this weekend! If you’re in the area, stop on by! I’ll be at The Five Wits booth.

And next weekend I will be at Otakon in Baltimore, MD. Its a huge exciting madhouse, but I’ll be findable, once again, at The Five Wits booth in the exhibitor hall.

This will very likely mean a delay in posting chapters, as I’ll be on my feet and on the road for the next week and a half. I’ll try to report in with at least some entertaining tidbits.

Surprise Story!

Surprise Story!

So with all the craziness of conventions, (Coming to Anime Expo this weekend? Why so am I. Find me at The Five Wits booths, 441 and 443) I haven’t had the time or energy to update as I wish I could. I had planned to place Book Four after a one year time skip, and write several short stories about the intervening year. Those stories were to have been part of kickstarter rewards to fund getting The Tembelaka Voyage printed. So I was originally going to write a novel and two to three short stories in a very busy two months of conventions while doing a water color illustration a week of catch up work. Evidently I thought I was Djaren with a side of Anna.

So here is the revised plan. Since one of the short stories is threatening novella-hood, I’m just going to start posting it starting tomorrow. I may pull the short stories later to bind up into backer rewards for some future kickstarter, but for now, what keeps me on track with my writing is knowing that people are waiting on my stories and expect to know what comes next. So get ready for The Cambriol Riddle, posting tomorrow.

Soonercon Coda

Soonercon Coda

I was at Soonercon this past weekend, and got to meet some great people and buy a lot of pottery in the art show. 🙂 Thank you very much to everyone who came by and bought a book!

Now I had best get back to work so there can be a book four posting soon.

I hope to have some sketches or maps or something interesting in good enough shape to post by tonight.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira